Hello, I’m Naareda.

I am a qualified Holistic Kinesiologist , Pranic and Reiki practitioner.

I have been in clinic for 10 years in Caroline Springs, Seddon and Gisborne. I am blessed to be the mother of two teenagers and I am passionate about health on all levels, mind body and spirit. My goal is to assist others on their journeys back to wholeness. My philosophy is , the only person I can truly heal is myself. I create, activate and hold space for you to re-ember your own innate healing abilities.

Over the years I have collected many tools to help me maintain my health and wellbeing. I have studied some of them, acquired some of them innately and I have stumbled on them through sheer desperation through utter determination.

My life purpose is to be of assistance and to share this knowledge with others who are wanting a helping hand, someone that can perhaps shine a light on an issue that sometimes we can not see ourselves and who want to be the best versions of themselves.

I offer this currently in one on one sessions , in person or via distance through zoom. I use predominantly Kinesiology, Pranic Healing and Mentoring.
I will be offering group session very soon. Join my email list to be informed as soon as they are released. I will always offer to you first via email before the wider community. Spaces for these event will be intentionally kept intimate.

My approach is grounded and authentic and I call it how it is, with love of course. I absolutely love what I do. I look forward to meeting you and assisting you on your journey back to wholeness.

“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment , chop wood, carry water “

- Zen Proverb