
Adult Kinesiology

12 years +

Initial and follow up appointment in person or distance.

1.5 hours


In Person: This is typically made up of approximately 1/2 hour of conversation , including a thorough intake form and specific goal setting, then an hour on the treatment table.

Distance: This is typically 1/2 hour of conversation , intake and goal setting via Zoom and an hour treatment whereby I surrogate your energy. You can stay on the zoom call whilst I do this or I can record the session.

Children’s Kinesiology

Under 12 years

1 hour


In Person : This is typically made up of a conversation, goal setting for the session and then the child on the treatment table.

Distance : This is same as above however I will surrogate on behalf of your child. This works incredibly well. I will record the session or you can stay on the Zoom/FaceTime session whilst this is happening.

Special Note: I have worked with many children all ranging in age and capability . If you think your child would not be able to sit still or cope with being on the treatment table and this is something you worry about please call me to discuss as there are many ways to overcome this.

If you would like to have a conversation with me prior to your appointment out of tiny earshot. Please feel free to set this up with me.

It is often helpful to openly discuss issues privately.
Feel free to give me a call on 0418 528 194

Mentorship & Coaching

On Zoom/Phone

1 hour



Coming soon…

My innate self, my soul, my intuition was sparked a few years ago by a deep calling. It was loud, and it was like some sort of ignition that I can’t quite fully explain. I started a Goddess Support Network on Facebook and it went crazy. It was incredible seeing women band together and help their sisters who were struggling. We met in sacred circle on the new moon of every month. It was incredible. In my work as a Kinesiologist and Pranic Healer I offer one on one healing sessions and give support after treatment. I think this is vital to my clients and to my own soul agreements. This is what I needed many years ago when I was in the thick of my own healing crisis.

I also wish to run workshops and share my knowledge and tools in a grounded and practical way. I believe that a group of empowered souls coming together and supporting each other can move mountains. It is a truly formidable force. The deep calling that I have to help my bothers and sisters comes with loud messages that we must stop comparing competing and judging each other and come together united as one divine force.

It is then that the collective divine feminine and divine masculine can be truly expressed and accepted and felt by the collective consciousness I believe this is where global change happens. It starts individually. We are all connected. We are all one and when we do our own healing we are healing others and therefore the whole.

RSVP below to be the first to know about upcoming workshops and events.