
When we focus on the things that we don’t want in our lives we give the universe the signal that we want it. It’s actually counter productive.

Energy flows where attention or focus goes . So instead of saying either out loud or in your head ( yes , the universe still hears it ) things like “ I don’t want to be lonely or sick or sad for example the universe will hear “ I want to be lonely “ etc We must catch our inner dialogue and change how we talk internally and externally .

We can change them around to “I AM supported , I AM well, I AM divine health, I AM the sovereign of my body and I have the power to heal myself , this too shall pass , it’s okay to let this emotion be felt and acknowledged . The focus can then be allowing everything to flow through us rather than trying to suppress it where it will inevitably bite us later.

Focus on the things you want to attract more of in your life and hold the feeling of that.

Imagine if we all focused on the world in a state of total bliss , of peace, of unconditional love? Where every single sentient being in this realm was experiencing their #heartnectar and vibrating at a level of consciousness of pure love.

I focus on seeing all of my brothers and sisters discovering their truth ,rejoicing and celebrating our divinity in unity and oneness.

