What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a complimentary healing method that uses the muscles in the body to pinpoint imbalances in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Using non-invasive and often very simple corrections, the body restores itself to its own natural state.

We access approximately 10% of our brain capacity which is our conscious brain, therefore, 90% of it is made up of the subconscious brain.

Kinesiology accesses the subconscious part of the brain via an indicator muscle.

Why choose Kinesiology?

The thing I love about Kinesiology is that I know that it works, first hand I discovered Kinesiology in 2002 after suffering with acute candida ( yeast infection ) throughout my entire digestive tract.

Western medicine had no answers for me and could not help me. It was through desperation that I found Kinesiology.  When I met my Kinesiologist, I was quite intrigued that she spoke a language that a part of me understood, my body certainly did.

At the time I was unaware that this was my subconscious and I didn’t have to understand it or believe it for it to work. My illness was completely gone within two weeks of treatment and I was, needless to say, impressed.

After my second child was born in 2007 I suffered with severe post-natal depression. It was Kinesiology and Energy healing that helped me through an extremely dark and difficult time. When my son was 12 months of age, he had food allergies to dairy, gluten and some fruits. Once again , out of sheer desperation I took him to my kinesiologist as the wait for the Royal Children’s hospital was 9 months. Needless to say I did not need that appointment. This changed my life’s trajectory.

Not surprisingly In 2010 I decided that I needed to leave the corporate world, to follow my heart, go back to school and become a Kinesiologist. I graduated in 2013. I needed to share this gift and help and support others to become their full potential.

My passion lies in helping and supporting men and women of all ages and stages of their evolution. I have treated babies in utero , children of all ages and supported families in the transition into parenthood and the empty nesters .Healing is a very personal journey to which there are many layers.

Once we clear an issue or ailment we want to keep improving. The more we do, the happier, healthier and whole we feel. Kinesiology can help you bring everything into balance and alignment so that your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ( Soul Connection ) are in harmony. We can be the best versions of ourselves.

Kinesiology helps with any and all ailments and conditions listed, but not limited to:

  • Physical ailments including digestive issues

  • Low Energy

  • Clarity (When you don’t feel quite right but you can’t access why)

  • Hormone issues including thyroid issues

  • Menstrual issues

  • Peri menopausal and menopausal

  • Pre-pregnancy preparation

  • Pregnancy, clearing fears around birth, help with hormone levels, etc etc

  • Self -confidence

  • Relationship issues, intimate, family, friends and work

  • Eating disorders

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Changing negative belief patterns that are holding you back

  • Reconnection to self

  • Self-care

  • Brain integration, focus, study

  • Childhood trauma,

  • Sexual disfunction

  • Grief • Goal setting

  • Self-esteem

  • Body image

  • Trauma

“After my first session with Naareda it was honestly like I had been given a new understanding and lease on life, I was so out of balance and my light within me was dim when I walked in and after leaving I felt like I understood my body and spirit more than I ever had. Through it all she has been my soul sister and truly healed my heart and spirit and physical body, I don’t think I could have got through all of those things that life had thrown at me without her love, healing and guidance”.

- Chantelle

“Thankyou thankyou thankyou. There isn’t enough words in the human language to express my gratitude for the healing that Naareda has facilitated for me. After years of experiencing an unexplainable physical presentation, Naareda tapped into the ether and was able to identify and heal the stagnation of the energetic body. Naareda held a safe space for me to open up and share the depths of my soul. The moment that I booked my appointment, the healing begun and that was reflected in my physical body. I have now made peace and healed the energetic wounds and can live freely again. Naareda is a medicine woman and a friend for life.”

- Jen

I have seen Naareda several times in clinic in Melbourne, however since moving to Queensland I haven’t had the opportunity to receive any treatments. When I heard Naareda was offering distant treatments I was so excited. It was perfect timing as I was having issues with my business and I needed clarity and insight into.

Naareda and I had a phone conversation to go over the bits and pieces and intake, then I hung up and she weaved her magic. She did offer me to stay on the phone but I was juggling Mumma life. I received an email with the treatment recording and I was then able to make a peaceful space and sit in and listen to my treatment, uninterrupted.

My distant healing treatment recording was clear, the intention was outlined, the safe calm space was created and I was able to sit in this space and absorb and integrate all of Naareda’s gifts and offerings.

I felt it all and over the next week I continued to feel the shifts as I needed to. It all unfolded in perfect timing. I loved all the pieces of magic Naareda offered me, her gifts and wisdom are one of a kind.

I highly recommend if you are curious about distant healing offerings with Naareda you will not regret it. It was a truly profound experience.

- Belinda

“I feel so much lighter and I feel more connected to myself.”

“I have not seen my ankles in years . I didn’t realise that I was retaining so much fluid.”

“I have way more energy".

“I feel like myself again.”